Local Amenities
There are a range of local amenities to help make your stay at Hinning House and Hinning Cottage an enjoyable one.
Click the following for information on local shops or local pubs.
Seascale Health Centre: Tel:01946 728101 Website: http://www.seascalehc.co.uk
Seascale Pharmacy Tel: 01946 728323
West Cumberland Hospital, Whitehaven Tel:01228 523444
Furness General Hospital, Barrow Tel:01229 870870
Dentist Mr Davidson, Seascale: 019467 27667
Whitehaven: Tel: 0845 330 0247
Broughton: Tel: 01229 716230 Website: http://www.broughtonveterinarygroup.co.uk
Egremont: Tel:01946 820513 Website: http://www.craigrobinson-vets.co.uk
LDNP Fell Top Weather Conditions: Tel: 0870 055 0575 Website: www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/weather
Tourist Information Centres
Whitehaven: Tel: 01946 852939
Windermere: Tel: 01539 442895
Pubs & Hotels Around Eskdale
King George IV: Tel:01946 723262 Website: http://www.kinggeorge-eskdale.co.uk
The Brown Cow: Tel:01229 717243 Website: http://thebrowncow-inn.simplesite.com/
Woolpack Inn: Tel:01946 723230 Website: http://www.woolpack.co.uk
Brook House Inn: Tel:01946 723288 Website: http://www.brookhouseinn.co.uk
Boot Inn: Tel:01946 723224 Website: http://www.thebooteskdale.co.uk/new/menu/
Bower House Inn: Tel:01946 723244 Website: https://www.bowerhouseinn.com/
Village Shop
Eskdale Green Stores Tel:01946 723229
R.B Woodall, Waberthwait Tel: 01229 717237
Fell View, Eskdale Green: Tel:01946 723239
Holmrook Service Station: Tel:01946 724247
Eskdale Vicarage: Tel:019467 23242 Website: http://www.eskdalebenefice.org.uk
Minitature Railway
L'al Ratty Tel:01229 717171 Website:http://www.ravenglass-railway.co.uk